data download

Raw data (paper supplement section 2)

description information download
transcription regulatory network data readme composite dataset
gene expression data readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response

Back-tracking data (paper supplement section 3)

description information download
transcription factor presence data readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
condition-specific regulatory
readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response

SANDY data (paper supplement sections 4 & 6)

well-known statistics

description information download
global topological measures readme in-degree
path length
clustering coefficient
local network motifs readme single input motif
multiple input motif
feed-forward loop

newly derived follow-on statistics

description information download
TF hub usage readme
number of targets
propensity values
interaction interchange index readme index values
TF usage overlap readme single usage
pair-wise usage

statistical validation

random simulation
description information download
randomly simulated networks readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
global topological measures
of randomly simulated networks
readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
local network motifs
of randomly simulated networks
readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
sensitivity analysis
description information download
error-containing networks readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
global topological measures
of error-containing networks
readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response
local network motifs
of error-containing networks
readme cell cycle
diauxic shift
DNA damage
stress response

Endogenous condition time-course data (paper supplement section 5)

cell cycle

description information download
gene expression data readme early G1 phase
late G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
M phase
regulatory sub-networks
readme early G1 phase
late G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
M phase
TF time-course cluster readme
number of targets
propensity values


description information download
gene expression data readme metabolic phase
early I phase
early II phase
early-mid phase
middle phase
mid-late phase
late phase
regulatory sub-networks
readme metabolic phase
early I phase
early II phase
early-mid phase
middle phase
mid-late phase
late phase
TF time-course cluster readme
number of targets
propensity values

Perl scripts

description information download
trace-back algorithm readme perl script
global topological measures script readme perl script
local network motifs script readme perl script
hub propensities script readme perl script